Year 1/2 2024 - 2025

Miss Booth

Welcome to Pearl Class

Here you will find information about our most recent topic that show a little of what we have been doing in our class.

Our spring topic will be, 'Look Back, Spring Forward’. This term is full of wonderful learning opportunites for the chidlren and we are looking forawrd to some activites that will enrich many areas of our curriculum. Please read the attached newsletter for further informaion on each subject. 

You will see we have a great topic for our return to school and we look forward to a wonderful term.

General Reminders


The children have two PE lessons each week; these are on a Tuesday and a Thursday and children need to have a named PE kit in school. 


The children have homework that will need to be completed each week, which is an important extension of our learning in the classroom.  Further information about each one will be sent home with your child and more information can be found in the newsletter.    We really appreciate your support in assisting your child to complete each task.


We use class dojo as a way to reward the children and to communicate with yourselves.   You can also message us directly with any small queries and we are always happy to arrange a time to meet after school if more time is needed.


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