Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mr Cunha

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5’s class page where you can learn about all the exciting things we get up to….

Our class homepage is the place to find out about what's happening in Year 5. Our termly newsletter has lots of important information for parents available for you to download here,  alongside other important information about our learning and any significant events as we move through the year.

If you would like to speak to a member of staff, please feel free to contact me via Class Dojo.

Our topic for this term is: A Footprint in Time - Is it ever right to fight?

General Information


PE is scheduled each Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor). Please read this term's newsletter for more details about what to bring to school. We ask that all items of clothing brought into school be named.


Spellings -  These should be practised at least twice in the Spelling homework book and submitted by hand each Wednesday. Ideas on how to learn these words will be provided in the front of the spelling books. Children should spend about 20 minutes per week on these spelling tasks. Spellings will be tested each Friday.

Reading—Children are expected to read at home regularly. We still believe it is a positive and beneficial exercise for children to read aloud, so please encourage them to read with parents, grandparents, or older siblings when possible.

Reading Scrapbook - Each week, one child will be selected to complete the reading scrapbook. Please return this to school by the following Wednesday so it can be shared with the rest of the class. 

Maths - Weekly arithmetic challenges will be set on Google Classroom.


Files to Download

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