Welcome to The Lower Park PTA. For current and prospective parents who have heard about the PTA, seen us in action, or just want to know more, you’ll find all you need to know right here.

What is the PTA?

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) plays a vital role in raising money for equipment, initiatives and activities that will enhance our children’s school experience. As well as raising money, the PTA also plays a vital link between parents and school, helping foster the feeling of ‘family’ that Lower Park is known for, and also aiming to make parents’ lives that little bit easier.

Who is part of the PTA?

You might not know it, but as a parent or carer of a child at Lower Park, we are all part of the PTA. And we thank you for attending events and contributing to all our activities and fundraising over the year.

This year’s PTA Committee is made up of: ·

  • Chair: Shauna Silcock
  • · Secretary: Amy Billing
  • · Treasurer: Emma Adley
  • · Communications Officer: Zoe Clark

We also have a number of other volunteers who support in various ways over the course of the year.

How you can help

Right now we are in real need of help. Over the last couple of years, many parents who have made a valuable contribution are now stepping back as their children leave the school. We only had 4 parents attend our recent AGM (out of a school of 300 children).

We know everyone gives and does what they can, but we also think there are probably many parents who consider getting involved but don’t, either because of preconceived ideas, because they don’t know anyone, or they believe there are probably already plenty of people covering things, or also out of worry that they will end up being given too many tasks.

If you have ever even half wondered about getting involved, now is the time! Please can we ask you to cast aside those preconceived ideas, trust us that we won’t ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable doing, and to instead please come along to one of our next couple of meetings.

While we know we can always count on last minute and ad-hoc support from many ‘friends of the PTA’ (you know who you are!) we could really do with some more support especially at our bi-monthly meetings, as that’s where plans are made.

PTA social: Thursday 17th October, 8pm at The Kingfisher – come and say hi. Find out anything you want to know and enjoy a relaxed night out – absolutely no obligation, we promise!

Our next meeting is at School at 5.30pm on 7th November*

Please remember, too, the PTA is not just for mums. Everyone is welcome. With so few regular attending members, now is the time for us all to create the PTA that we want to see – one that is inclusive and representative of our school community.

*We alternate the day and times of meetings to accommodate club, activities and general parenting responsibilities.


Fundraising update

Last year, thanks to your support and a number of contributions from the local community, we raised a total of £13,970.90 That money was used in many ways. It funded items including:

· Science Day and Lego Day workshops;

· online safety workshops and anti-bullying workshops;

· the Y6 Crucial Crew session;

· a contribution to the School’s SEN budget;

· and many ‘extras’ such as sports day ice lollies and small classroom additions of teachers’ choosing.

This year, as well as monies being set aside to fund the educational enrichment including science week, the sensory garden and classroom fund, the School has asked if we could focus our activity to raise funds for a new all-weather sports pitch. This gives us something fantastic to aim for! If we can raise in the region of £10,000, then along with the School’s own contribution and some money hopefully coming from outside funding, then we should see the pitch built before the start of the next school year.

Upcoming events

Based on your feedback, this year we are going to be focusing more energy into running fewer events. Here’s a rundown of what’s coming up:

PTA social: Thursday 17th October, 8pm at The Kingfisher – come and say hi. Find out anything you want to know and enjoy a relaxed night out – absolutely no obligation, we promise!

Halloween clothes sale (17th Oct)

Halloween (24th Oct) and spring (22nd May) discos

Christmas fair (30th Nov)

Wreath night (5th Dec)

Family bingo (1st Feb)

Plant sale (17th May date TBC)

Summer fair (28th June)

Getting in touch

We would really love to hear from you with any feedback, thoughts, ideas, offers of help and enquiries.

We’re contactable on the following:

  • At the school gates at pick-up/drop off – please just come and say hi!
  •  Email: · Facebook (Lower Park PTA Information and Events): Facebook link
  • PTA social: Thursday 17th October, 8pm at The Kingfisher – come and say hi. Find out anything you want to know and enjoy a relaxed night out – absolutely no obligation, we promise!
  • Or just come along to our next meeting (5.30pm at School on 7th November).




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