Year R/1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hughes

Mrs O'Hara

Welcome to Sapphire class

Welcome to Sapphire's class page where you can find out about all the exciting things we get up to.

Our class homepage is the place to find out about what's happening in Reception and Year 1 and see the latest photos. Our termly newsletter has lots of important information for parents and is  available for you to download here,  alongside other important information about our learning and any significant events as we move through the year.

Do keep checking back on our gallery page for the latest photos of our learning journey.

Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo as a way to reward the children and to communicate with parents. You will also get any relevant updates on here too.

This term's topic is ‘Superheroes' You will find more information about this topic in our Summer newsletters. 

It is a great topic with some wonderful learning opportunities that are enhanced by some beautiful books. 

We have also got some additional experiences planned this term that will ensure we enrich several areas of the curriculum.

General Reminders


The Reception children in Sapphire class have two PE lessons each week on a Monday and Wednesday. They also take part in lots of exciting Forest Friday activities on a Friday. The Year 1 children have two PE lessons on a Tuesday and Friday. Please read this terms newsletters for more details about these lessons and what to wear to school. 

Please ensure all items of clothing brought in to school are clearly named.

Here's to a great year! 

Files to Download

Halliard Trust: All Together Stronger Schools

Lower Park School is proud to be part of Halliard Trust