Vision Statement

The School’s Ethos and Values

Imagine an inclusive school that is a community of people, where children, parents, governors and staff are inspired by teaching and learning. Individuals are energetic, responsible, caring and committed to achieving extraordinary results. Within a safe, secure and friendly environment, the school community celebrates diversity and change is embraced in order to prepare the children for the future. Special events, topics and rewards characterise life at this school. All age groups make connections with one another through the work they do, the problems they solve and the experiences, strengths and hopes they share. Together they are learning to live safely within the world’s sustainable resources. In classrooms, the integration of current technology extends learning, underpins every area of the curriculum and promotes opportunities for global communication. The outdoor environment boasts stimulating opportunities for all children to engage in purposeful activities that encourage social and physical growth.


This school is Lower Park; a community that nurtures a life-long love of learning, enabling all its children to discover the champion within.


Halliard Trust: All Together Stronger Schools

Lower Park School is proud to be part of Halliard Trust