About Our School

About Lower Park school:


Lower Park School, Hazelbadge Road, Poynton, Stockport, Cheshire. SK12 1HE
School Office: 01625 872560 
Email Office: 
Email Headteacher Mrs Amelia Lomas: head@lowerpark.cheshire.sch.uk

The School

Lower Park was opened on 29th April 1965. It is a Cheshire East maintained primary school and works within the policies established by Cheshire East County Council.

Lower Park has ten classes, a hall that is well equipped for PE and performances and a welcoming central library for all the children. There is a large playground with an additional outdoor provision for the Reception class. Extensive grounds provide excellent opportunities for outside games. The school has a wildlife area. Further opportunities for environmental education are available in the surrounding woodlands and fields. 

The School is continually developing its environment both inside and out. The recent improvements to the play area at the front of the school and the outdoor classroom are testaments to the commitment of the parents and teachers to improve the School for the benefit of all pupils.

Parents can request a free paper copy of the information on our school’s website by contacting admin@lowerpark.cheshire.sch.uk

Halliard Trust: All Together Stronger Schools

Lower Park School is proud to be part of Halliard Trust