
Staying Safe at Lower Park School

Key contacts at our school:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Amelia Lomas

Deputy DSL: Helen Day & Anthony Poole 

Chair of Governors: Clara Kenyon

Mental Health Lead: Helen Day

SENDCO: Helen Day

If you have concerns about a child, please contact us and we will be happy to advise and support you.

Parents and Carers

Whether you are a parent, carer, family, friend or neighbour we can all play our part in keeping children safe, happy and well. For more information please follow the link to  the Cheshire East Safeguarding Children’s Partnership website. 

Keeping Children Safe in Cheshire East

Here you will find help with issues and solutions available to keep children safe online to acting on your concerns regarding bullying you've seen or abuse you suspect.

If you and your family are already involved in safeguarding or child protection services, this section will help you understand systems like Child Protection Case Conferences and Private Fostering.

If you have an immediate concern that a child or young person under 18 is at risk or being abused or neglected telephone Cheshire East Consultation Service (ChECS ) on 
0300 123 5012 (option 3), 
this is the ‘Front Door’ for access to services, support and advice.

(Out of office hours call our Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 5022)

ChECS will be able to talk through your concerns; it may be that your phone call will make all the difference for a child.

We are an Operation Encompass school. Please see the letter below for more information.


Our Commitment to Safeguarding

Highly Trained Staff: Our teaching and support staff are trained regularly in safeguarding protocols and are fully aware of their role in identifying, reporting, and responding to concerns about a child's safety or welfare.

Inclusive Curriculum: Safeguarding is woven into our curriculum, ensuring that children learn about their rights, how to stay safe, and how to seek help if needed. We have age-appropriate lessons on topics such as online safety, bullying prevention, and understanding emotions.  We follow 1 Decision PSHE Scheme, which places an emphasis on life skills to support PSHE, SMSC development, and safeguarding.  More information for parents can be found here:

Open Communication: We maintain open lines of communication with parents and guardians, welcoming their input and concerns. Our school encourages a strong partnership with families to ensure the best outcomes for our children.

Comprehensive Policies: Our school has robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place, which are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest guidance from the Department for Education and relevant local authorities.

Safeguarding Team: We have a designated safeguarding team, including a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Amelia Lomas and Barbara Chadwick), who are responsible for coordinating safeguarding activities within the school and liaising with external agencies when necessary.


Safeguarding in the Curriculum at Lower Park School

Welcome to Lower Park School's dedicated page on Safeguarding in the Curriculum. We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our children.  Safeguarding is a top priority, and it is seamlessly integrated into our curriculum to create a safe and nurturing learning environment for every child.


What is Safeguarding in Education?

Safeguarding in education is a comprehensive approach to protecting children from harm, ensuring their well-being, and promoting a safe environment where they can learn and thrive.


What Safeguarding Looks Like in the Curriculum:

Safeguarding in the curriculum map

What do our children say?


Useful Websites:


UK Safer Internet Centre:

Childnet International:


Internet Matters;


The Children's Society:


Files to Download

Halliard Trust: All Together Stronger Schools

Lower Park School is proud to be part of Halliard Trust